MFT Server Release Notes - Version 2023

Versions: 2023.3 2023.2 2023.1

Release 2023.3 - December 2023


MFT-434 - Added a new trading partner named CyberArk and updated the existing GetSecret function to support CyberArk.


MFT-912 - Added a new trading partner named ActiveBatch and added a new trigger action named Run ActiveBatch Job. This action lets you run an ActiveBatch job when the configured trigger event occurs.


MFT-942 - Added the ability for users to search for Keys at the domain and global level, using the familiar SQL LIKE search implemented in other areas of the product.


MFT-1044 - Added the ability to copy a dropzone URL from the Web Client interface (a Copy Link button and right-click Copy Link menu item is available).


MFT-1046 - Added the ability to password protect a dropzone.


MFT-1057 - Added the ability to send an ad-hoc email from the user's email address.


MFT-1058 - Added the ability to automatically delete ad-hoc files after a defined period. The Trigger Action "Ad Hoc Email File Transfer" now supports auto-deletion. Existing Ad-hoc activity views (Admin UI and Web Client UI) include new columns to accommodate to this enhancement.


MFT-1088 - Added the ability to export a Report in JSON format in the Domain > AUDIT > Reports module.


MFT-1096 - The Authentication timeout located in Settings > MANAGER SERVICE > Manager Service > Access module is now enabled by default and set to 10 seconds.


MFT-1098 - When generating keys, a larger key size for RSA/DSA is now set by default.


MFT-1099 - When adding an AFTP Service in the SERVICES > Listeners module, the "Require secured connection" option is now enabled by default. In addition, the WebDAV/S, AS2 and HTTPS services have HTTPS enabled and HTTP disabled by default.


MFT-1022 - When adding a new User Template in Domain > ACCOUNTS > Users, the "Require secured connection" option is now enabled by default.


MFT-1145 - Updated all MEDIUMBLOB to LONGBLOB or its appropriate equivalent in all MFT Server database schemas to increase column-level storage capacity.


MFT-1171 - In Domain > AUTOMATION > Triggers > Triggers, a new right-click menu option named History was added. When selected, it changes focus to the Trigger's History tab, displaying records only for the selected trigger. This is accomplished by auto-setting a SQL LIKE search.


MFT-1231 - Added a new Directory Monitor Event type named Monitor Failure. This is enabled by default and is located in the EVENTS panel of the Add Directory Monitor window. The failure event is raised if the directory monitor is not working properly (e.g., the directory name is invalid) or a user attempts to write to the monitored directory but fails due to inadequate permissions. Additionally, a new Trigger Event type named Directory Monitor Failure has been implemented, allowing you to take action should this event occur.


MFT-1240 - Updated the Directory Monitor events grid to include two new columns: Trading Partner and Error.


MFT-1243 - The Directory Monitors tab has a new right-click menu option named Events. When selected, focus is changed to the Directory Monitor Events tab which only displays records associated with the selected Directory Monitor. This is accomplished by auto-setting a SQL LIKE search. The Events tab also has a new right-click menu option named "Edit Directory Monitor", which means you can now edit the directory monitor from within the Events tab.


MFT-1248 - Improvements were made to the existing ETL Trigger Templates which includes: renaming them for clarity purposes, aligning the workflow in the Trigger canvas area for a better view, and assigning a descriptive Name to the For Each trigger action.


MFT-1258 - A new trigger event named "Ksf Received" has been implemented. This event is raised when a new KSF is received in the MFT Server Status > Action Center module.


MFT-1277 - Added additional character support for PGP key names.


MFT-1286 - Added the ability to define global services that can be used in multiple domains. There is a new left-side Settings menu option named Global Services.  The global services supported include: AFTP, FTP/S and SFTP/SCP.


MFT-1307 - Added the ability to search for Directory Monitor events by Trading Partner and Error.


MFT-General - Reduced application startup time.


MFT-General - Added informative error messages in PGP file decryption actions.


MFT-General - Improved mainframe support in Trading Partner File Upload action.


Version 2023.2.1

MFT-1153 - Added streaming support when copying data to S3 network storage.


MFT-1163 - FTP upload fails with jscape version12.5.6.477, using a command-line client named FTPS.exe and the -e:on-ccc parameter.


MFT-1139 - Migrating from one MFT Server database to a MySQL database will sometimes fail with a "java.sql.SQLException: Data

long for column 'data' at row 1" error.


MFT-1193 - The Trading Partner Move File trigger action "Partner A" field is in the wrong location on the page; it should be in the Connection section, not at the bottom of the page.

Version 2023.2.2

MFT-1149 - SFTP based trigger actions will fail to connect using public key authentication with servers that only support ssh-rsa public key signature algorithm. The error message states: Error Message: com.jscape.inet.mft.workflow.Action$ActionException:$EOFException.


MFT-1202 - Added public key algorithm selection drop-down box to SFTP trading partner and network storage.  This is to correct the problem reported in the above (MFT-1149) issue.


MFT-1169 - Corrected ICAP issues.


MFT-1208 - In the AUTOMATION > Triggers > Actions and AUTOMATION > Triggers > Functions tabs, the system does not respond when you attempt to expand or collapse a group in the list.

Version 2023.2.3

MFT-1192 - Editing an existing Trigger configured with a condition intermittently results in the condition not being saved.


MFT-1210 - Using the Trading Partner Regex File Download with a specific Trading Partner fails with error "", and a file with 0kb is created for the download.


MFT-1185 - In certain situations, concurrently running triggers hang if the concurrent triggers limit is reached.


MFT-1110 - In certain situations, a currently running trigger action will continue to run after killing the trigger.


MFT-1166 - Trigger Templates were added to demonstrate ETL capabilities.


MFT-1223 - SFTP trigger actions and trading partners are unable to connect to Bitwise SFTP server.

Version 2023.2.4

MFT-1238 - Disabled Directory Monitor fires an event after the MFT Server service is restarted.


MFT-1264 - Restore *.vmoptions files/Keep current Windows service user during upgrade.


MFT-1270 - JSCAPE's Web Client does not support TLS 1.3.


MFT-1284 - Update Swagger UI to the latest version.

Version 2023.2.5

MFT-1315 - Enable DFS option for SMB client.


MFT-1317 - SFTP file transfer using Anyclient fails with this error: com.jscape.anyclient2.operation.a: Server error: Internal server error. (en) (4).


MFT-1236 - Email received from Share Files(s) -> Internal does not contain the name of file(s) sent. Updated email template.


MFT-1293 - In certain scenarios, the Trading Partner Copy Regex File trigger action is failing with a


MFT-1206 - Update Jetty to the latest version.


MFT-1357 - Update ActiveMQ to the latest version.

Version 2023.2.6

MFT-1362 - File upload using IBM Cloud network storage is not working.


MFT-1356 - Files with 0-byte fails on upload to S3 bucket.


MFT-1344 - TLS/SSL error in browser for User login: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH when the Settings > Misc > Web > SSL/TLS Ciphers selected are strong or medium.  When All ciphers are selected, the logins work.

Version 2023.2.7

MFT-1407 - Add STAT packet when sending SSH_FXP_REALPATH.


Release 2023.2 - September 2023


MFT-670 - Enhanced the IP Access modules to allow/block traffic based on fully qualified domain name (FQDN) - e.g. *,, etc. This includes IP Access for Administrators accessing the MFT Server Manager UI, and for users connecting to the MFT Server (Domain-level and user-level IP Access configuration is supported).


MFT-713 - Added the ability to iterate through a SQL query result set by getting and passing data to a For Each Action. A new function named GetSqlRecordsetColumn was added to facilitate this.


MFT-714 - Added a new JDBC trading partner that may be used in trigger actions to perform queries against a database.


MFT-715 - Added two trigger actions for the JDBC trading partner - Trading Partner Sql Query and Trading Partner SQL Query Dump.


MFT-720 - Added the ability to pause and resume the transfer of files (HTTP file uploads) when using the MFT Server Web Client interface.


MFT-756 - Added the ability to iterate through a JSON array by getting and passing data to a For Each trigger action.


MFT-781 / MFT-804 - Enhanced the Multiple Authentication service type to support up to 5 authentication types (prior revisions supported a max of 2), configured in [Domain] > ACCOUNTS > Authentication. Multiple Authentication was also added as an option for Admins logging in to the MFT Server Manager UI (it was not an option in previous releases). This is configured in Settings > MANAGER SERVICE > Authentication.


MFT-784 - Added the ability to pause and resume the transfer of files to drop zones when using the MFT Server Web Client interface.


MFT-790 - Added 4 new trigger actions allowing users to perform PGP encryption/decryption using a symmetric AES key (i.e. a password). The trigger actions names are: PGP Password Encrypt File, PGP Password Decrypt File, PGP Password Encrypt Regex File, and PGP Password Decrypt Regex File.


MFT-798 - Added the ability to iterate through an XML array by getting and passing data to a For Each trigger action. A new function named GetXmlValue was added to facilitate this.


MFT-833 - Added support for EdDSA keys (curves supported include 25519 and 448 for server/client keys and 25519 for PGP Keys) at the global and domain-level.


MFT-835 - Added a new Debug tab to allow users to edit runtime debugging. See Settings > MANAGER SERVICE > Logs > Debug.


MFT-904 - A new Name field has been added to each trigger action, allowing you to specify this field's value as a parameter when using the GetActionResult function (the function still supports using the system-assigned Action ID as a parameter, for backwards compatibility). Another enhancement in this area allows you to easily retrieve the Action ID with a new right-click menu option - Copy ID to clipboard. In addition, the Notes field for each trigger action was moved from the Advanced tab to the Parameters tab.


MFT-911 - Updated documentation images with the new JSCAPE logo.


MFT-701 - Enhanced the GetSecret function allowing Azure Key Vault support, where values can now be retrieved from an Azure vault.


MFT-966 - Added the ability to select either pgp or gpg as the file extension when using any of the four PGP Encrypt File trigger actions.


MFT-996 - Documented client and management access steps when using the MFT Server REST API.


MFT-1020 - The User Login trigger event was enhanced to provide failure reason codes if a User Login is not successful.


MFT-1042 - A change was made to the js-adduser command where if you use the template name parameter (-t) and the path parameter (-r), the path parameter set on the template is overridden by the path set on the js-adduser command, and the path's permissions are set using the js-adduser permissions parameter (-a).


Version 2023.1.1

MFT-765 - SFTP-based upload trigger actions (SFTP File Upload, Trading Partner File Upload with an SFTP Trading partner) will hang if a network error occurs.

Version 2023.1.2

MFT-839 - Unable to run a Report or successfully execute a Search when a dash is used in the domain name (e.g. CompanyA-Domain).


MFT-834 - Unable to perform self-registration (a feature enabled via Settings> MISCELLANEOUS > Web > Self Registration) when using the MFT Server Web Client interface. The error encountered is "Username does not meet compliance requirements". There are no compliance settings configured via [Domain] > SECURITY > Compliance that would be causing this.


MFT-851 - In the Domain > AUTOMATION > Directory Monitors module, double-clicking on a directory monitor in the list does not always open the edit dialog, when it should.


MFT-844 - Unable to add a hyperlink to the email.adhock.template.text resource value, located in Settings > MISCELLANEOUS > Email > Resources.

Version 2023.1.3

MFT-793 - Unable to customize the Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) QR label generated by MFT Server when using MFA. Note: An enhancement was implemented to allow you to configure the QR label. See Settings > MISCELLANEOUS > Web > Resources > Login.Otp.QR_CODE_ISSUER.


MFT-797 - Implemented an enhancement to display both the MFT Server Web Client and the MFT Server Web Administrative interfaces within an IFRAME in RunMyJobs (RMJ).


MFT-806 - The Settings > MISCELLANEOUS > Web > Resources > Reset to Default button causes the Language field to flip to empty (blank).


MFT-848 - In certain scenarios, after creating or modifying an SFTP File Upload Trigger Action, the trigger will fail (when run) with an authentication error.


MFT-865 - Using a URL to access a subfolder configured using the MFT Server Web Client UI intermittently results in access being directed to the root folder instead of the intended subfolder.


MFT-868 - "Internal server error" occurs when an SFTP client that uses v4 protocol requests the creation/modification date of a folder that is mapped to Google Cloud Storage.


MFT-888 - When a running MFT Server is unable to connect to its database, the account's password used in an SFTP connection is displayed in the MFT Server log file (e.g. server0.log).Version 2023.1.4


MFT-847 - Trigger actions Trading Partner Regex Download and Trading Partner Directory Listing both fail with a "Connection timed out" error, when the partner is connected via a HTTP proxy (this is true even when the "Test" connection option for the trading partner succeeds).


MFT-900 - In certain scenarios, when editing an existing trigger, the trigger canvas area will not display the workflow properly (e.g. the canvas area could be blank, or the canvas area may display a connector without its associated nodes).

Version 2023.1.5

MFT-903 - The automatic login feature for the MFT Server Web Client user interface cannot be disabled. Note: An enhancement was implemented to allow the disabling of the automatic login feature. See Settings > MISCELLANEOUS > Web > Web > Allow performing automatic login.


MFT-914 - Trigger is failing on its first attempt even though the Retry option is enabled.

Version 2023.1.6

MFT-952 - When stopping a domain you are not required to confirm this action. Note: An enhancement was implemented prompting you to confirm the stopping of a domain.


MFT-848 - In certain scenarios, after creating or modifying an SFTP File Upload Trigger Action, the trigger will fail (when run) with an authentication error. This is the second patch associated with this issue (the first patch was released in v. 2023.1.3). This second patch is a database fix where the js-database utility has been enhanced to automatically insert action ID's where they are missing (missing because the database data is considered old).

Version 2023.1.7

MFT-928 - Resolved low issues as outlined in penetration report.


MFT-961 - In a certain scenario, a 404 error will occur when attempting to scroll down the list of My Storage files when using the MFT Server Web Client UI

Version 2023.1.8

MFT-983 - A real path mapped to a Group virtual path gets removed when the Group virtual path is removed via the SFTP protocol.


MFT-1034 - The Amazon S3 AWS-KMS dropdown field in the MFT Server Manager UI does not list all the keys (it displays a maximum of 50 items).


MFT-948 - Sharepoint Network Storage connection issues (problem with sites whose name contains spaces, and not all sites are visible to MFT server).


MFT-1038 - The Trading Partner Regex File Download trigger action is resulting in a on some SFTP servers.


MFT-1002 - Deleted folders are still appearing in MS Azure Blob Service network storage.

Version 2023.1.9

MFT-1037 - Server management protocol upgrade.

Version 2023.1.10

MFT-1075 - Added the ability to specify an optional remote file (name) argument when performing an upload using one of the following trigger actions: Trading Partner File Upload, FTP File Upload, SFTP File Upload, SCP File Upload, FTPS File Upload, and AFTP File Upload.

Version 2023.1.11

ICAP client debug log fix


Release 2023.1 - May 2023


MFT-271 - Added support for SharePoint in the Trading Partner and Network Storage modules so that files in a SharePoint library can be managed. This includes upload, download, delete and renaming files and directories.


MFT-278 - Added a GetSecret function to be used with the Amazon AWS trading partner and network storage. It allows you to obtain sensitive information from 3rd party secret managers. This may be supported with other trading partners in the future.


MFT-292 - When using the HTTP Request trigger action, you can now retrieve the headers and body from the HTTP response.The retrieved response can then be passed to a following trigger action.


MFT-343 - The Domain-level AUDIT > Logging > Running records are now displayed in a grid format, which allows a user to associate the data with a column. This makes the search process easier. In addition, for both Domain-level logging and Administrative-level logging (MANAGER SERVICE > Logs > Records), the search feature now provides a dropdown list of values to choose from - for columns that contain a fixed set of values.


MFT-380 - Improved the way you chain trigger actions together in the UI. You can now select the desired action node's output indicator, hold, then drag and drop the link onto the target action node's input indicator. Note, the original method is still supported.


MFT-438 - New functionality has been added to the existing group feature. When sharing files ad-hoc via email using the MFT Web Client UI, you can now select a group to send the email to (To, Cc and Bcc). All the users that are members of the group will receive the email.


MFT-440 - The web document viewer in the MFT Server Web Client interface (My Storage > View) has been updated to the latest version.


MFT-487 - Enhancements were made when configuring administrative roles (Settings > MANAGER SERVICE > Administrators > Roles). You can now quickly apply all global permissions and domain permissions with a single mouse click, and for individual global/domain permissions, you now can now select all or clear all selections.


MFT-492 - Trigger functions are now logically organized such that similar functions are grouped together.


MFT-493 - Trigger actions are now logically organized such that similar actions are grouped together.


MFT-499 - An enhancement to Directory Monitors has been implemented, allowing a user to tie a new Directory Idle trigger event to a directory monitor that has not been raised (active), for a configurable amount time (minutes, hours, days).


MFT-550 - Added the ability for users to search for directory names in the MFT Server Web Client interface.


MFT-567 - Added a new Trigger Action named Directory monitor event report which reports on directory monitor activity, which includes details like the monitor name and the path of the file that caused the event.


MFT-615 - The following trigger actions: Failed Trigger Report, Trigger Report by Name, and Trigger Report by Custom Date were consolidated into one new trigger action named Trigger Execution Report. A further enhancement includes a status dropdown that allows you to report on various trigger statuses (canceled, paused, completed, queued, failed, skipped).


MFT-648 - Added a new button to the Trading Partners tab named View Triggers. This allows you to obtain a list of triggers that have trigger actions configured using the selected trading partner.


MFT-658 - Added a new trigger function named GetJsonValue that returns a JSON value from an HTTP response.


MFT-654 - Improved the ForEach trigger action in how it processes comma-separated lists where elements containing ',' are quoted.


MFT-660 - Added a new button to the Directory Monitors tab named View Triggers. This allows you to view a list of triggers for a any given directory monitor.


MFT-674 - An enhancement was made where, if virtual directory permissions are changed, the changes are immediately applied to user(s) that are currently logged in (their permissions are refreshed).


MFT-675 - MFT Server version conventions have changed to For example, 2023.1.0.2960.


MFT-709 - Added curl and Postman examples that show how to create an Amazon S3 Network Storage using the MFT Server REST API.


MFT-737 - An administrator assigned to a role is encountering a "Current administrator has no required permissions" message when attempting to add a trigger action.


Version 12.5.1

MFT-422 - Scheduling an automatic update via Settings > Automatic Updates results in this message being written to the server log file: "Error scheduling trigger 'Application.Update'"...


MFT-497 - When configuring a Google Cloud trading partner, then clicking on the "Test Server" button, the test fails with this error message: "Unsupported trading partner protocol: Google Cloud".


MFT-439 - Added ability to verify if a license ID is valid.


MFT-450 - The Directory Monitor feature, when used with an Agent trading partner, is not always detecting file changes correctly on the monitored Agent system.


MFT-451 - Unable to login to Web interface using multi-factor authentication when time-based-one-time password (TOTP) is enabled.

Version 12.5.2

MFT-520 - After an MFT server upgrade, the format of the log sent to syslog is different. This impacts the domain-level syslog feature only (Domain > AUDIT > Logging > Syslog).


MFT-516 - New license types were added for MFT Server.


MFT-522 - Unable to get a directory listing when connecting to a Cerberus FTPS server using MFT Gateway proxy service.


MFT-517 - Unable to copy files larger than 5GB using Trading Partner Copy File action on Amazon S3.


MFT-553 - The Add Variable button is not working in the Network Storage module.

Version 12.5.3

MFT-559 - The "Trading Partner Copy File" action fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException after upgrading from MFT Server 12.4.x to 12.5.x.

Version 12.5.4

MFT-606 - A user cannot enter functions/complex expressions when using the "Run Redwood Process" trigger action.


MFT-598 - Directory monitor is not raising events for newly added files when monitoring an SFTP Trading partner directory for new files.

Version 12.5.5

MFT-650 - The ForEach trigger action is unable to properly parse items that have commas.


MFT-658 - Added a new GetJsonParameter trigger function which allows a user to obtain a JSON parameter from an HTTP response.


MFT-817 - In some scenarios, when configuring a directory monitor for an SFTP trading partner, there is a delay in checking for directory changes.

Version 12.5.6

MFT-691 - Requiring a password reset on login is resulting in an access denied error when using the FileZilla client.