Action types

There are many built-in action types that you may use when defining triggers. Below you will find a list of action types and their corresponding descriptions. The same action descriptions can be accessed in the MFT Server Manager UI, either by selecting the AUTOMATION > Triggers > Actions tab, or when adding an action (select an Action from the drop down list, then hover over the "i" (information) icon to see the description in a tool tip).


Name Description

Ad Hoc Email File Transfer

Perform email based file transfers.

Aftp Create Directory

Creates a remote directory on AFTP server.

Aftp Delete Directory

Deletes remote directory and contents from AFTP server.

Aftp Delete File

Deletes remote file from AFTP server.

Aftp Dir Download

Downloads remote directory and contents from AFTP server.

Aftp Dir Upload

Uploads local directory and contents to AFTP server.

Aftp File Download

Download file from AFTP server.

Aftp File Upload

Uploads file to AFTP server.

Aftp Regex File Download

Downloads a file list from AFTP server. File list must match with a regular expression.

Aftp Regex File Upload

Uploads a file list to AFTP server. File list must match with a regular expression.

Aftp Rename File

Renames file on AFTP server.

Amazon Sns Publish Message

Publishes a message to the Amazon SNS.

Amazon Sns Publish Sms Message

Publishes an SMS message to the Amazon SNS.

Amazon Sqs Consume Message

Consumes messages from the Amazon SQS.

Amazon Sqs Delete Message

Deletes a message from the Amazon SQS.

Amazon Sqs Send Message

Publishes a message to the Amazon SQS.

Append File

Appends message to a file followed by new line.

Append Json File

Appends JSON text to a new or existing JSON file.

Append Xml File

Appends XML text to a new or existing XML file.

AS2 Messages Report

Export the AS2 Messages for the Domain.

Avast Scan

Scan the directory or file using Avast.

Avast Update Definitions

Update Avast database.

Bunzip File

Extracts contents of BZIP archive.

Bzip File

Creates archive of file using BZIP compression.

Check Email

Retrieves email from POP or IMAP account and stores messages and attachments.

Clam AV Scan

Scan the directory or file using Clam AV.

Clam AV Update Definitions

Update the database using Fresh Clam.

Convert File

Converts ASCII file from one line encoding to another e.g. MS-DOS to UNIX.

Copy Directory

Copies a source directory to a destination directory.

Copy File

Copies a source file to a destination directory.

Copy Regex File

Copies a file(s) matching a regular expression to a destination directory.

Copy Url To File

Download the file from URL

Create Directory

Creates a local directory.

Create Drop Zone

Creates a Drop Zone.

Delete Accounts

Deletes expired and disabled accounts.

Delete Directory

Deletes a local directory.

Delete Drop Zone

Deletes a Drop Zone.

Delete File

Deletes a local file.

Delete Files

Deletes a local group of files.

Directory Download Synchronization

Downloads synch of remote source directory to local destination directory.

Directory Listing

Listing a local group of files.

Directory Monitor Event Report

Creates a directory monitor activity report for the specified directory monitor(s).

Directory Upload Synchronization

Uploads synch of local source directory to destination FTP server.

Disable Account

Disables specified account.

Disable Inactive Accounts

Disables account(s) based on inactive state.

Export Keys

Export the report for the keys.

Export Users

Export the users from the domain.

File Transfer Script

Executes a file transfer script.

For Each

Executes subsequent actions with specified arguments.

Ftp Create Directory

Creates a remote directory on FTP server.

Ftp Delete Directory

Deletes remote directory and contents from FTP server.

Ftp Delete File

Deletes remote file from FTP server.

Ftp Dir Download

Downloads remote directory and contents from FTP server.

Ftp Dir Upload

Uploads local directory and contents to FTP server.

Ftp File Download

Downloads file from FTP server.

Ftp File Upload

Uploads file to FTP server.

Ftp Regex File Download

Downloads a file list from FTP server. File list must match with a regular expression.

Ftp Regex File Upload

Uploads a file list to FTP server which matches with the regular expression.

Ftp Rename File

Renames file on FTP server.

Gateway Block Ip

Performs lookup of original client IP address used when connecting to MFT Gateway and blocks client IP at MFT Gateway for a specified period of time.

Get Logs

Export the logs by keywords.

Gunzip File

Extracts contents of GZIP archive.

Gzip File

Creates archive of file using GZIP compression.

Health Monitor

Verifies hosts availability and sets a global variable corresponded to available host.

Http Request

Executes an HTTP/S request.

Icap Antivirus Scan

Performs antivirus files scan using ICAP.


Checks specified condition.

Judo Script

Executes a judo script.

Kaspersky Scan

Scan the directory or file using Kaspersky.

Kaspersky Update Definitions

Update the Kaspersky database.

Kill Trigger

Effectively stops the current trigger.

Move Directory

Moves a source directory to a destination directory.

Move File

Moves a source file to a destination directory.

Move Regex File

Moves a file(s) matching a regular expression to a destination directory.

OFTP Messages Report

Export the OFTP messages for the domain.

PGP Decrypt File

Decrypts PGP encrypted file using OpenPGP.

PGP Decrypt Regex File

Decrypts PGP encrypted files using OpenPGP.

PGP Encrypt File

Encrypts file using OpenPGP.

PGP Encrypt Regex File

Encrypts file using OpenPGP.

PGP Password Decrypt File

Decrypts PGP encrypted file using OpenPGP.

PGP Password Decrypt Regex File

Decrypts PGP encrypted file using OpenPGP, where Regex is used to select files from the source directory.

PGP Password Encrypt File

Encrypts file using OpenPGP.

PGP Password Encrypt Regex File

Encrypts file using OpenPGP, where Regex is used to select files from the source directory. .

Pause Trigger

Effectively pauses the current trigger.

Purge Drop Zone

Purges a Drop Zone.

Rename Directory

Renames a local directory.

Rename File

Renames a local file.

Replace Users Path

Replace the path for the users.

Run ActiveBatch Job

Runs an ActiveBatch Job.

Run Directory Monitor

Runs a directory monitor.

Run Process

Executes a new process.

Run Redwood Process

Runs a Redwood process.

Run Report

Re-run report.

Run Tidal Job

Runs a Tidal Job.

Scp File Download

Downloads a file from SSH server using SCP protocol.

Scp File Upload

Uploads a file to SSH server usng SCP protocol.

Send Email

Sends an email message using SMTP protocol.

Send Group Email

Sends an email message using SMTP protocol.

Set Account Expiration

Sets user account expiration.

Set Event Attribute

Sets an event attribute.

Set Global Variable

Sets a global variable.

Sftp Create Directory

Creates a remote directory on SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sftp Delete Directory

Deletes remote directory and contents from SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sftp Delete File

Deletes remote file from SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sftp Dir Download

Downloads remote directory and contents from SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sftp Dir Upload

Uploads local directory and contents to SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sftp File Download

Downloads file from SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sftp File Upload

Uploads file to SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sftp Regex File Download

Downloads file list from SSH server using SFTP protocol. File list must match with a regular expression.

Sftp Regex File Upload

Uploads file list to SSH server using SFTP protocol. File list must match with a regular expression.

Sftp Rename File

Renames file on SSH server using SFTP protocol.

Sign File

Signs the specified file.


Pauses the trigger execution thread for the specified time.

Split Large Text File

Split larger text files into multiple.

Splunk Http Event Collector

Write custom formatted message to Splunk logging service.

Sql Query

Executes a database SQL query.

Sql Query Dump

Executes a database SQL selection query and dumps the response to a CSV file.

Synchronizer Run Synchronization

Starts a synchronization on remote MFT Synchronizer instance.

System Configuration Backup

Creates ZIP backup of server configuration files.

System Out

Prints message to System.out and to log file.

Tar Directory

Creates archive of directory using TAR format.

Trading Partner Check Email

Retrieves email from POP or IMAP account and stores messages and attachments.

Trading Partner Command

Executes the specified command on trading partner server.

Trading Partner Copy File

Copies a remote file from one trading partner to another.

Trading Partner Copy Regex File

Copies file(s) matching a regular expression from one trading partner to another.

Trading Partner Create Directory

Creates a remote directory on trading partner server.

Trading Partner Delete Directory

Deletes remote directory and contents from trading partner server.

Trading Partner Delete File

Deletes remote file from trading partner server.

Trading Partner Directory Download

Downloads remote directory and contents from trading partner server.

Trading Partner Directory Download Synchronization

Downloads synch of remote source directory to local destination directory.

Trading Partner Directory Listing

File Listing to trading partner server which matches with the regular expression.

Trading Partner Directory Upload

Uploads local directory and contents to trading partner server.

Trading Partner Directory Upload Synchronization

Uploads synch of local source directory to destination Trading Partner server.

Trading Partner File Download

Downloads file from trading partner server.

Trading Partner File Upload

Uploads file to trading partner server.

Trading Partner Move File

Moves a remote file from one trading partner to another.

Trading Partner Oftp Exchange

Performs OFTP trading partner data exchange.

Trading Partner Oftp File Upload

Uploads file to OFTP trading partner server.

Trading Partner Regex File Download

Downloads a file list from trading partner server. File list must match with a regular expression.

Trading Partner Regex File Upload

Uploads a file list to trading partner server which matches with the regular expression.

Trading Partner Rename File

Renames file on trading partner server.

Trading Partner Send Email

Sends an email message using SMTP protocol.

Trading Partner Sql Query

Executes a database SQL query.

Trading Partner Sql Query Dump

Executes a database SQL selection query and dumps the response to a CSV file.

Trading Partner Synchronization

Synchronizes directory content of two trading partners.

Trigger Execution Report

Creates a report of Trigger activity.

Twitter Direct Message

Sends a Twitter direct message.

Twitter Update

Sends a Twitter update.

Unzip File

Extracts contents of a ZIP archive.

Verify File Signature

Verifies the file signature.

Write File

Writes a file with specified content.

Zip Directory

Creates archive of directory using ZIP compression.

Zip File

Creates archive of file using ZIP compression.

Zip Regex File

Creates archive of files matching a regular expression using ZIP compression.


See also


Adding triggers

Event types

Function types

Defining custom action types