Docker Instructions - Linux

This section describes how to build a Docker container for the MFT Server application to run in.




A Linux MFT Server installer

A Docker installation that you are logged in to




  1. Unpack mft-server files (/home/user/mft_server).


  2. Navigate to the /home/user/mft_server/doc/docker directory. Copy the Docker.linux file to the /home/user directory and rename it Dockerfile. Please check that the file Dockerfile has no file extension.


Note: Docker builds images by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. This is a text file containing instructions that adhere to a specific format needed to assemble your application into a container image. The default file name is Dockerfile, without a file extension. Using the default name allows you to run the docker build command without having to specify additional command flags.


  1. Place the license file in the /home/user directory.


  2. Open a terminal and go to the /home/user directory where the Dockerfile was placed. Build the container image using the docker build command:


docker build -t jscape:latest .


Note: The -t jscape:latest option specifies the name (required) and tag (optional) of the image you are building. The dot "." specifies the build context as the current directory. In this example, this is where the build expects to find the Dockerfile and the local files the Dockerfile needs to access.


  1. Start your container using the docker run command and specify the name of the image you just created


docker run -it -p 11880:11880 jscape:latest